Thursday, 17 September 2009

Marc is Memorable

Marc Jacobs Spring 2010 Ready-To-Wear
Images from

In the last few days, it's been so enjoyable looking around the blogosphere. The bloggers who are in NY have fruitful posts of their daily wears and images from the shows they've been to. But alas, those of us who can only enjoy the spectacle from our computer screens have fruitful posts of our favourite shows. That said, my love goes to Marc Jacobs. In his ready-to-wear collection, the combination of modern buns that sit neatly on top and the Japanese Geisha inspired make-up presents the models perfectly. The hair and make up aren't tedious outcries of individuality nor are they silent forgotten efforts. For me, it was just right. I actually do my hair like this (with one bun on top) sometimes, although, not as high and not as neat. In a sea of fashion shows, it's no wonder Marc Jacobs is memorable.


  1. I love these looks! It reminds me of a really chic circus look for some reason!

  2. I loved the makeup at this show, so striking!

  3. mark is so awesome!
    i adore all his designs!

  4. I agree with S. Elisabeth, the make up reminds me of animals and circuses too!


Fancy seeing you here. Thank you, xo.